RDBMS Anonymization

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This utility is a set of Microsoft SQL Server scripts and Powershell.
It hat allows to anonymize an HOPEX repository before sending it to MEGA technical support.

  • This utility replaces all values of text attributes (string or varchar) with lorem ipsum text of the same length.
  • There is no way to revert the data back.

Please note that this module will not be installed in the HAS console. Once download please unzip the package, then launch utility


  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Powershell


  • NA



This is the step by step process to anonymize a database.

  • Do not try to launch the process without reading this first.
  • The process of anonymization is irreversible.
  • Never, ever, launch it on your actual environment but on a copy of it.
  • Do not launch the anonymization on the system database, it will be anonymized in the process of the data database anonymization.

STEP 1: FILE ACCESS Permissions

  • Create a Anonymization folder in C:\temp
  • Unzip the files from the module in C:\temp\Anonymisation
File Name Comment File Status
Rand.sql In case you do not have a random function implemented Do not modify
Lipsum.sql This is a function that lorem ipsum a given text Do not modify
Anonymisation.sql The script that will anonymize you database Do not modify
ExclusionInclusion.txt list of attributes to exclude (0) or include (1)  
ANO_Launcher.ps1 Launch anonymisation (step 3) Do not modify
CopyDatabase.ps1 Duplicate a Database X on MSSQL +rename it X_ANONYME Do not modify

STEP 2: Microsoft SQL Server user account server role and permission

The utility uses a bulk so the login has to have a server role allowing it : bulkadmin or sysadmin
For Security reason, because the utility will overwrite a good part of your database, it only works if the database name's end with '_ANONYME'.
The script requires system.data.dll , a reference assembly usually stored in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET

You must be able to modify your database name. you will work on a copy of your original database.

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Backup the SQL Data Database and the SQL system Database.
  3. Restore them with a name that ends with '_ANONYME'


  1. You can just launch the CopyDatabase.ps1. Launch it with powershell, follow instructions.

STEP 3: Anonymize the databases

Interactive command: ANO_Launcher.ps1

Launch with powershell the ANO_Launcher.ps1 follow the instructions


Batch command: ANO_LauncherPRM.ps1

From a powershell command started from the folder C:\temp\Anonymisation write with the right informations ("Yes" or "No" for SameBLOB)
.\ANO_LauncherPRM.ps1 -ServerName "YourSQLServerName" -Login "YourLogin" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "YourPassword" -AsPlainText -Force) -DBSystem "YourSystemDB" -DBData "YourDataDB" -SameBLOB "Yes"

If the databases name you wanted to anonymize do not end by _ANONYME as said in Step 2, the script will do nothing

The anonymization is finished. congratulation !

How to check the anonymization of my databases was a success?

Remove the _ANONYME name from your database and add it on the administration.exe in your HOPEX file like any other database.
You can now open Hopex and see lorem ipsum text took the place of relevant information.

Release Notes


  • NA


  • Launch from powershell
  • Work on a remote Mycrosoft SQL server installation.
  • add batch command


  • SystemDb anonymization  is now controled


  • NA


Latest version
Published date
MEGA International
No dependencies