





HAS Identity Provider

Based on Identity Server 4, UAS Identity Manager handle all the authentication parts of the platform. It enables authentication as a service , Single Sign-On and Sign-Out, access controls for API and federation gateway

MEGA International

HOPEX Questionnaire Builder

This module provides a modern user experience when it comes to building all types of questionnaires in HOPEX. Thanks to its WYSIWYG interface and drag and drop functionalities, building questionnaires has never been easier.

MEGA International

HOPEX Core Back-End Aquila 6.1

The core BackEnd of the platform that enables the business logic, database access to the repository. Build a digital representation of your enterprise by connecting business, IT, data, and risk perspectives in a single platform. Select which connections you need to integrate and analyze immediately, while having the option to build upon this knowledge and scale over time on a single source of truth. Get actionable insights to collaborate with all stakeholders to align on your company’s business objectives and demonstrate the immediate business value of your projects. Seamlessly integrate the HOPEX Platform into your digital ecosystem for a faster time-to-value.

MEGA International

HAS Console

Administrator can configure the HAS instance from the web console : database access, modules updates, cluster managing…

MEGA International


Extend HOPEX with REST API to enable read/write on the repository, upload/download of documents, export of diagrams.

MEGA International

Database Design MYSQL V4.1

This module provides the data types needed to design a MySQL database in HOPEX.

MEGA International

RDBMS Anonymization

This utility is a set of Microsoft SQL Server scripts and Powershell. It allows to anonymize an HOPEX repository before sending it to MEGA technical support. This utility replaces all values of text attributes (string or varchar) with lorem ipsum text of the same length. There is no way to revert the data back. Please note that this module will not be installed in the HAS console. Once download please unzip the package, then launch utility

MEGA International


Modern HOPEX Website Template, which includes accessility and Aquila look and feel

MEGA International

Regulatory Framework Solvency II

Solvency II Directive (2009/138/EC) is a Directive in European Union law that codifies and harmonizes the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance in EU.

MEGA International

HOPEX Databases backup - Starter

HOPEX Database backup made with SQL Server 2019 containing no data. You can use them to create a new blank environment.

MEGA International

HOPEX Aquila

HOPEX Web Front End is the web portal for enterprise architect, Process modeler, Risk manager, Auditor and all stakeholder involved in the EA or GRC domain.

MEGA International

HOPEX Environment Migration Package Aquila

The HOPEX environment migration package contains the required items to migrate your environment to HOPEX Aquila. This package is mandatory to update your SystemDb if you are coming from previous major version of HOPEX.

MEGA International

Database Design DB2 OS 390 V11

This module provides the data types needed to design a DB2 OS390 database in HOPEX.

MEGA International

Enterprise Portal

Make your static website available as a tile in the HAS Portal and ensure accessing to the static website is done through a proper authentification process (login/password or SSO)

MEGA International